Evidence on Performance Practice from Extra-Musical Sources
10:00 – 10:15
Welcome and Introduction
Ira Givol – zamus
Prof. Dr. Frank Hentschel – Universität zu Köln
10:15 – 10:45
Toward a ‘blessedly enlightened’
Reconstruction of the Instrumentation of Alessandro Striggio’s 40-part Motet Ecce lucem beatam, as performed at the Munich Court in 1568
Peter van Heyghen
10:45 – 11:30
In the wake of the Euridice-experiment: staging Italian opera in the early 17th century
Sigrid T’Hooft
Short Break
11:50 – 12:35
Interrogating ‘The Ghost in the Machine’: Implications for tempo, phrasing, and ensemble performance in repertoire from eighteenth-century mechanical musical instruments.
Dr. Emily Baines – Brunel University London
13:30 – 14:15
‘Early Recordings Informed Performance’ – Historical Embodiment and the Future of Early Music
Dr. Kai Köpp – Hochschule der Künste Bern
14:15 – 15:00
Panel discussion
Prof. Dr. Frank Hentschel
Moderation and Chair
Ira Givol – zamus
Prof. Dr. Frank Hentschel – Universität zu Köln
Peter van Heyghen
Sigrid T’Hooft
Dr. Emily Baines – Brunel University London
Dr. Kai Köpp – Hochschule der Künste Bern
Mehr lesen
Das Symposium findet auf englischer Sprache und online sowie vor Ort statt.
Mehr Informationen und kostenfreie Anmeldung unter www.zamusfestival.de